Contemporary history


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Alessandra Anselmi

Associate Professor

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Carlo Arrighi

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: barbarism, cultural history, teaching of history, public history, digital humanities, longue durée, nazi-fascist
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Roberto Balzani

Full Professor

keywords: Local Cultures, History of post war Italy, Cultural Heritage, History of XIXth Century, History of the Museums
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Alessandra Cantagalli

Associate Professor

keywords: Food and Beverage professions, reputational capital, professional skills, professions, governance, technical education

Paolo Capuzzo

Full Professor

keywords: cultural history, history of consumption, world history

Maria Pia Casalena

Associate Professor

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Carlo De Maria

Associate Professor

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Cristiana Facchini

Full Professor

keywords: History of Christianity, History of Judaism, Methods and theories in Religious Studies, Jewish-Christian Relations,
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Elena Fusco

PhD Student

keywords: labour history, environmental history, unionism, co-operative studies, political ecology

Nicola Lamri

PhD Student

keywords: Algeria, Decolonization, Algerian war, History of the Lefts, Transnational history
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Jacopo Lorenzini

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Political institutions, Military institutions, History of elites, Social history, History of mentalities, Modern state
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Matilde Miniati

PhD Student

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Elena Musiani

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: History of national building in Europe, Urban history - elites- XIXth century, Women and gender History, Liberal
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Cigdem Oguz

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

keywords: The history of the Ottoman Empire, citizenship studies, nationalism and secularism, gender and women in the Ottoman
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Cesare Pomarici

PhD Student

keywords: Contemporary poetry, Greek Literature, Paolo Volponi, Classical reception
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Luca Rebolino

PhD Student

keywords: History of Political Thought, American History and Institutions, Conceptual History, Neoliberalism, Human Capital
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Or Rosenboim

Associate Professor

keywords: intellectual history, history of ideas, history of international thougth, international and global history
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Toni Rovatti

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Contemporary History, War Crime, Civil War, Violence, Political Justice, Transitional Justice, Resistance Movements,
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Cecilia Ru

PhD Student

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Vanessa Voisin

Associate Professor

keywords: USSR, justice, war, social mobilization, Nazi crimes, war crimes trials, criminal law, political repressions, purges,