Roman history


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Francesca Cenerini

Full Professor

keywords: Roman institutions, Roman epigraphy, Roman women, Roman social history, Roman history
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Alessandro Cristofori

Associate Professor

keywords: Roman History, Roman Social History, Roman Economic History, Roman Administrative History, Roman Italy, Roman
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Erica Filippini

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Numismatics, Coin Iconography, Coin Finds, Coins in Archaeological Contexts, Coin Jewellery, Numismatic Collections
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Beatrice Girotti

Associate Professor

keywords: Quellenforschung, Late Antiquity; Roman Epigraphy (from III a.D.); Epistolary (Hyeronimus); Gender history, Zosimus,
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Tommaso Gnoli

Full Professor

keywords: kingship, ancient economy, history, Iran, Ravenna, Near East, Rome, religion, epigraphy, Mithras, Syria, Palmyra
keywords: Ichthyoarchaeology, Archaeology, Ethnography, Fishing, Coastal Lagoons, Ancient History
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Giulio Iovine

Associate Professor

keywords: Papyrology, Palaeography, Latin papyri, Greek tragedy
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Annalisa Marzano

Full Professor

keywords: Roman archaeology, Roman economic history, ancient agriculture, exploitation of marine resources, Roman villas, the

Manuela Mongardi

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

keywords: Roman Epigraphy, Roman Social History, Roman institutions, Roman History, Instrumentum inscriptum
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Fabian Lothar Walter Reiter

Associate Professor

keywords: editions, documentary and literary papyri, ostraca, administration, Egypt, taxation, economy, social life
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Carla Salvaterra

Assistant professor

keywords: Papyri, Administration, Economy, Society, Work, Taxation, Digital Humanities, Internationalisation of Higher Education
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Alfredo Tosques

PhD Student

keywords: mobility, cities and empires, Roman Republic
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Giuseppina Paola Viscardi

Associate Professor

keywords: Ancient Polytheisms, Myths of foundation, Rites of transition, Religious landscape, Sacred space, (Divine) Agency,
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Mattia Vitelli Casella

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

keywords: ancient geography, Dalmatia, epigraphy, emperors, regio VIII, Romagna