Online catalogues to search books and journals.

It allows integrated searchs of resources available online or in all the libraries of the University and of the Polo Bolognese (books, articles, journals, databases, AlmaRe collections and AlmaDL collections).

Italian Catalogue of Periodicals
The catalogue contains the bibliographic descriptions of the journals held by Italian libraries. It covers all the disciplinary areas.

SBN Bologna Catalogue
This is the catalogue of the libraries in Bologna Metropolitan Area. It allows searching: ancient and modern books, magazines, films, sound and musical material, documentary material and manuscripts, degree theses, audiovisuals, graphic and cartographic material, e-books, electronic magazines.

E-Books for UNIBO students
Our Library purchased a package of over 230 e-books from Brepols publishers and almost 200 e-books from De Gruyter publisher. E- books can be searched in the SBN Bologna Catalogue and consulted from a computer connected to the University network or by Proxy service. The complete list of titles can be found HERE.
All students of the University of Bologna can also consult the Unibo electronic student shelf and find over 2000 e-books including manuals, essays and other useful documents.

SBN Italian Catalogue
This is the collective catalogue of all the libraries, which participate in the National Library Service. It allows bibliographic searches in almost all the italian libraries.

ALPHABETICA is the new bibliographic portal of Italian libraries. It includes historical databases of the ICCU: OPAC SBN, Manus Online, EDIT16, SBN Teca, Digitized Historical Catalogs. The portal was developed to integrate external databases as well. Alphabetica users can, for example, consult the IMAGO digital collective catalog of the Emilia-Romagna Region.