Ocnus | Quaderni della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici

Vercellae fuscisque ferax Pollentia uilli et quondam Teucris comes in Laurentia bella, Ocni prisca domus paruique Bononia Rheni. (Silius Italicus, Punica, VIII 597-599).

«Ocnus. Quaderni della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici» is an academic periodical founded in 1993. On the basis of a peer review process, it publishes articles by professors of the Specialization School on Archaeological Heritage at Bologna University, lectures and seminars held by invited scholars, papers from advanced students and contributions by international specialists. Given the broad disciplinary range of the School – running from Prehistory to Near Eastern Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Late Antique and Medieval Archaeology, Archaeometry, Bioarchaeology, Conservation and Public Archaeology - «Ocnus» also welcomes contributions with strong anthropological, as well as cross- and inter-disciplinary focus.  Starting with issue no. 12 (2004), the journal is published by Ante Quem.

Proposals for articles can be sent to the Director, Prof. E. Govi (elisabetta.govi@unibo.it)

New issue: Ocnus 31 (2023) - Versione italiana