Book loan

Borrowing and renewing books

You can ask directly for the books you need from the Polo Bolognese catalogue, clicking on “Accesso con credenziali Unibo” and using your University credentials.  Books will be ready for pickup for 7 days, including the day you make your request.  

From the catalogue, you can also reserve a book which has been previously taken by another user. You can also renew your loan in the 3 days before the book is due to be returned,  but only if it was not reserved by another person. 


  • Professors and researchers of the University of Bologna
    up to 15 books for up to 60 days
  • PhD students, teaching tutors, staff of the University of Bologna
    up to 15 books for up to 30 days
  • Students of the University of Bologna
    up to 8 books for up to 30 days
  • External users: everyone who need to use of the library services
    up to 5 books for up to 30 days

Anyone can renew the loan once, unless the book has been requested by another reader.

If you delay in returning the book, you will be suspended from the loan for a number of days equal to double the number of days of delay.

Materials you can't borrow

You can borrow all the materials except: 

- journals 

- reference materials 

- books published before 1950 

- ancient, rare and valuable books 

- manuscripts 

- archival documents 

- special collections 

- other materials which need special treatments 

You can only consult them in the reading room.