
Meetings and Initiatives
PhD programmes: pathways, tools, and opportunities
26 february: the online event to enhance your education and embark on a research journey. Th event will be held in Italian.

Meetings and Initiatives
Seminar Series – The History of Firearms among the Acholi of Uganda, 1850-2000
With Patrick Otim from Bates College

Meetings and Initiatives
New Research on Early City - States of Mesopotamia and Syria
December 11, International workshop.

Meetings and Initiatives
Immediacy, Consciousness, Knowledge. A Symposium on South Asian and European Philosophy
A Symposium on South Asian and European Philosophy, November 27 - 28

Meetings and Initiatives
Karkemish and Its Regional Context: Celebrating 15 Seasons on the Field
Workshop: 23rd-24th November 2023.

Meetings and Initiatives
Inquire, third annual conference inquisitions, iconography, and memory. 16th - 17th November 2023
Attending the Conference is free. You just need to register until the 4th November. Please send an email to:

Meetings and Initiatives
Development Cooperation: What Role for Universities?
The seminar is discussion forum on development cooperation between representatives of the university world and representatives of different areas of cooperation.

Meetings and Initiatives
Alma Mater Fest - The University of Bologna welcomes its student community
We look forward to seeing you in Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini, from 27 September to 2 October, for a 4th special edition with guests, topical talks and many free activities open to all.

Meetings and Initiatives
Between past and present
Interdisciplinary Round Table, Friday 12th May, 9:30-12:30 Aula Prodi.

Meetings and Initiatives
Religion/s and cognition the making of a dialogue
May 15-16, 2023. International conference under the Patronage of the Consulta Universitaria di Storia delle Religioni (CUSR) and the Società Italiana di Storia delle Religioni (SISR).

Meetings and Initiatives
13 February - The crisis in Iran. A Toolkit for understanding international dynamics
Attend the free-entry event, either in person or online via Teams.

Meetings and Initiatives
ENCODE Workshop ‘AI and ancient writing cultures’, Bologna 23rd-27th January 2023
Participants will be guided by experts in NLP, Data Visualisation and automatic annotation training on ancient texts.