WALADU – Development and Structuring of BA Courses in Archaeology in Iraq

Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education Program (2015)


WALADU means "to give birth" in Akkadian, an ancient language spoken in Mesopotamia between the 3rd and 1st millennium BCE. The overall aim of the WALADU international project is to contribute to the improvement of education in archaeological and historical subjects in Iraq and to increase the opportunities for students in the labour market in Iraq bringing them in line with current EU trends and standards. To achieve these results the project has foreseen three aims:

1) Modernization of BA courses in archaeology and ancient history in Iraqi universities providing an innovative educational offer;

2) Reinforced capacity to design teaching units, to teach and to produce innovative knowledge by the local teaching staff;

3) To foster international collaborations between the EU and the Iraq higher education institutions for the exchange of academic knowledge at any level, by framining them in a recognized and internationally regulated network;

Project duration

Unibo Team Leader
Prof. Nicolò Marchetti

Scientific responsible for the Department
Prof. Nicolò Marchetti

Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna – Department of History and Cultures


- Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy);
- LMU – Ludwig Maximilians Universität (Germany);

- Koç University (Turkey)

- University o Baghdad (Iraq);

- University of Kufa (Iraq);

- University of Al-Qadisiyah (Iraq);

- Association of Arab Universities (Associated Partner);

- SBAH- State Board for Antiquities and Heritage (Iraq) (Associated Partner);


Euro 933.669

Level II ERC sectors **:

SH5; SH6;