Butrint (Albania)

Italo-Albanian Archaeological Mission in Butrint

Coordinator/Mission Manager

Enrico Giorgi, Belisa Muka

Field of research and classifications

Archaeological disciplines from prehistory to the medieval age

ERC: Area 10

ERC: SH 6, The study of the human past: archaeology, history and memory

SDGs: 4) Quality education; 8) Decent work and economic growth; 15) Life on land

Prevalent type of public engagement

Organising initiatives to valorise, consult about and share research

The 2022 initiatives included participating in the September meeting in Tirana with the President of the Italian Republic, who explicitly mentioned the Italo-Albanian project in Butrinto among the most relevant collaborations at the country’s UNESCO sites.

Initiatives for 2023 will include presenting this project as representative of Europe at the day dedicated to Italian archaeology for UNESCO organised by the Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Office VI DGP - MAECI) on the occasion of the Archaeology and Cultural Tourism Exhibition (Tourisma) in Florence.


The Butrint Project works in agreement with Albanian institutions (the Institute of Archaeology of Tirana) to valorise the archaeological and cultural heritage of the Butrint UNESCO site and its local area so as to actively contribute to disseminating knowledge and raising awareness about the region’s cultural heritage. To this end, communication is carried out on various channels, through internationally distributed magazines such as Current World Archaeology and by organising and participating in research-sharing initiatives such as the European Archaeology Days. Since the relationship with local communities is equally important, the Mission provides professional training for Archaeological Park employees in the field of heritage conservation and also involves schoolchildren from the villages surrounding the Park. These activities have a measurable positive impact, as indicated by media coverage, attendance numbers and engagement on social media platforms.

Locations and periods

The initiatives take place in Bologna, Ravenna, Butrinto and Tirana, mainly in June and September, and began in 2015.

Collaborations and Partners

In addition to the University of Bologna team composed of lecturers, research fellows, School of Specialisation students and LM course students, the Butrint Project also collaborates with:

- Albanian Institute of Archaeology represented by Prof. Belisa Muka, director of the Institute and co-director of the Butrint Project;

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

- Italian Embassy in Tirana

- Butrint Natural Park

- Museum of Roman Civilisation, through an agreement for the study of archival material relating to the first Italian Archaeological Mission in Albania led by Luigi Maria Ugolini

- University of Macerata in the person of Prof. Simona Antolini, regarding the study of Butrint inscriptions.

Objectives and public involved


- Dissemination and valorisation of the heritage and cultural and historical value of the Butrint Archaeological Park

- Promotion of the archaeological heritage of the Saranda district

- Dissemination of Butrint Project activities

- Training in the field of cultural heritage conservation

Publics involved:

- Institutions and local authorities

- Citizens

- Schools – students

Impact and evaluation tools

The cultural and social impact evidenced by thousands of website and social media views from users in more than 60 countries and the more than 70 participants attending the international conference organised at DiSCi demonstrate the significant interest in Albanian archaeology and awareness of its value. Furthermore, the training activities meet the needs of the Archaeological Park by preparing employees to serve as autonomous operators in the conservation of cultural heritage based on environmentally sustainable and reversible methodologies.

The target objectives have been achieved, with awareness and knowledge about the heritage of the Butrint Park having been increased thanks to the media visibility provided by the popular publications, knowledge sharing and co-production initiatives, and participation in public meetings. President Sergio Mattarella’s recognition of the Butrint Mission’s value to Italian-Albanian cooperation and the team’s being invited to a reception at the Italian Ambassador’s residence in Tirana further confirm the impact of this project (https://site.unibo.it/butrint/en).