Geomatic Laboratory

The student at the end of two-year educational path related to attendance of courses with technological characterization (Numerical Cartography, Geostatistical Analysis of Territorial Data, Geomatics, Remote Sensing) acquires the skills for the study of the territory and the environment as regards multiplicity of aspects (geomorphological, settlements, urban planning, linked to cultural heritage, etc.), through an integrated multidisciplinary system approach to select the appropriate tools and techniques to acquire, integrate, process, analyze, archive and distribute georeferenced spatial data with continuity in digital format.

The purpose of the laboratory is to learn at a practical level the different "techniques of acquisition and treatment of territorial data" and not, for purposes of advanced representations of models that derive from it. Cases regarding representation of territory will be preferred. The methods of photogrammetric acquisition, acquisition of satellite data, laser scanner, acquisition data deriving from classical measurements (using topographic instrumentation such as Total Station, levels) will be illustrated. Methods of managing three-dimensional data will be illustrated using digital photogrammetric stations and GIS environments.

The Laboratory is divided into 50 hours of frontal teaching activity and as many hours of practice activity to be developed independently.


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