TEMPUS - TEMPorary USes as start-up actions to enhance port (in)tangible heritage

Funded by the Interreg Italy-Croatia 2014-2020 Interreg V-A. Italy - Croatia CBC Programme of the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund


TEMPUS experimental methodology on Cultural Resources valorization (tangible and intangible) and regeneration is based on temporary (re)uses and social activation within long-term, heritage-driven and community-led urban strategies, where synergies will be fostered between the quadruple-helix actors of the urban life.

Port heritage forms one of the strongest as well as hidden connections among the shores of Adriatic Sea, and it has recently undergone a disruptive process of evolution, which has on one hand often separated cities from their ancient ports, and on the other has caused misuse or dismantling of spaces, which nowadays urge for regeneration. Such conditions jeopardize secular identities & constitute not only a factor of unattractiveness for tourism but also a background for a potential increase of deviant phenomena weakening security for all citizens. During the project, 3 pilots will be implemented, consisting in the activation of Temporary Uses (=at least 36 months) in urban ports of the Adriatic Sea, intended as trigger actions for wider-scale heritage valorization and regeneration processes; in particular, TEMPUS pilots are aimed at reconnecting the cities to their ports, at creating a new sense of living the places, and at supporting entrepreneurship in the fields of creativity, culture and tourism; in this way, new contextual values will be created, to be capitalized as attractors of higher-order steady investments. Furthermore, TEMPUS will enhance the heritage of urban ports by adopting a common approach and at the same time by strengthening the peculiarities of different locations between the two coasts of the Adriatic Sea. To this extent, TEMPUS will build a community of practice devoted to heritage-driven sustainable development and to the creation of joint visibility and valorization frameworks and will display site-to-site on-field pop-up exhibitions allowing visitors to gain knowledge and awareness about local port heritage, and about the close relations connecting the Adriatic port cities. Finally, an ad-hoc ICT environment will be developed, aimed at supporting the TEMPUS community, at offering structured and evocative virtual touristic itineraries meeting also the needs of disadvantaged visitors, and at gathering scientific and people-sourced port CH contents.

Project duration
2019- 30 March 2023

Unibo Team Leader
Federica Boschi, Giuseppe Lepore

Scientific responsible  for the Department
Federica Boschi

National Coordinator

Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna (IT)

C.N.A. National Confederation of Handcrafts and of Smes - Territorial Association of Ravenna (IT)

Certimac - Building Materials Certification (IT)

City of Rijeka (HR)

City of Solin (HR)

Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka (HR)

National Research Council of Italy - CNR (coordinator) (IT)

Public Institution Rera Sd for Coordination and Development of Split Dalmatia County (HR)

Rijeka Development Agency Porin Ltd. (HR).


Euro 2.706.920,00

2nd level Erc sectors

SH3; SH6