
Meetings and Initiatives
Observatory of Written Heritage | "Low Countries" Meeting 2021
Brussels, KBR (Royal Library of Belgium), 23rd and 24th November 2021

Meetings and Initiatives
Alma Mater Fest
The University of Bologna welcomes its students. 11 Oct 2021 - Live events & streaming

Meetings and Initiatives
Late Antique Athens
8 October 2021 - 28 January 2022. Seminar organised by Isabella Baldini, Elisa Bazzechi, Claudia Lamanna

Meetings and Initiatives
Welcome Day for Incoming Exchange Students - 2021/22
The meeting is devoted to students who will follow classes in Bologna (Humanities, Anthropology, Arts, History, Philosophy, Music, Theatre, Cinema, Communication). Thursday, September 16th, 2021

Innovation and Research
Sangalli Institute award for the religious history 2021
Two awards for the publication of unpublished and peer-reviewed monographs. Applications must be sent by 1 pm of 1st November 2021

The University of Bologna confirms its position as the top university in Italy in the Times Higher Education ranking
The latest edition of this prestigious international ranking sees the University of Bologna first in Italy for the second year in a row and among the world's top 200 for the fourth consecutive year

Minors are here. New opportunities are here
You can add a themed programme to your studies to complement your education, to satisfy your curiosity, or to make your skills more attractive in the world of work

Innovation and Research
Waiting for the European Researchers' night
From 25 August many events for schools and citizens

A new version of the Magna Charta Universitatum
University values and responsibilities: responding to the challenges of the future

Innovation and Research
Cutting-edge research
Imagine a better world and work towards it

Mobility opportunities. Find out our international networks
The map of the University of Bologna international relations.

Multicampus University
Study in Bologna, Cesena Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini