Suasa (AN)

Archaeological Park of the Roman City

Coordinator/ Mission Manager

Enrico Giorgi

Field of research and classifications

Archaeological disciplines from prehistory to the medieval period

VRA: area 10

ERC: SH 6, The study of the human past: archaeology, history, and memory

SDG: 4) Quality education; 8) Decent work and economic growth; 15) Life on land

Prevalent type of public engagement

Organization of initiatives to promote, consult, and share research


The project was established in 1987, and since 2000, the Park, Museum, Territorial Museum, and Archaeological Area of Santa Maria in Portuno have been open to the public as interconnected nodes within a network created and continuously updated by researchers from Bologna and the Superintendence. The archaeologists from Bologna play an active role, in collaboration with the Consortium of Municipalities, in managing the Park and Museums, and in training guides, including through internships. The sharing of results is pursued through public archaeology initiatives such as the one promoted by the local community, which led to Suasa being elected as one of the "Places of the Heart" by FAI (the Italian Environment Fund). Additionally, participation in conferences and television programs, such as the RAI Scuola documentary 'The Secrets of Color: Mosaics in Antiquity,' further facilitates the dissemination of findings. Each year, the excavations are open to the public, managed directly by students, and cultural events involving schools are organized, including readings and awards for stories set in the archaeological area, guided tours, and educational workshops. Moreover, summer concerts and theatrical events are held in the amphitheater.

Locations and Periods

Public sharing initiatives take place during the summer months, coinciding with the June-July excavation campaign, while the Park and Museums are open from Easter to early September or by appointment.

Collaborations and Partners

In addition to the involvement of the research team from the University of Bologna, composed of professors, fellows, specialized researchers, and students from the master's and bachelor's degree programs, the initiative involves collaborations with:

  • The Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape of the Marche Region;
  • The Municipality of Castelleone di Suasa;
  • Pro Suasa Tourist Association;
  • The Consortium and Archaeological Park of the Roman City of Suasa;
  • Senigallia Theatre Center;
  • FAI (Italian Environment Fund) of Senigallia.

Objectives and Engaged Audiences


  • Sharing research results with a wider audience beyond specialists
  • Valorization of the archaeological heritage of the city of Suasa and middle Cesano Valley area
  • Training of Park staff (reception and conservation personnel, tour guides, etc.)
  • Engaged Audiences:
  • Local institutions and entities
  • Citizens
  • Schools – students
  • Schools – teachers
  • Individual participants – adults
  • Individual participants – children and youth

Impact and Evaluation Tools

Since 1987, dozens of students have participated in the summer field school, scholarships and specialist positions have been funded, and the Park has employed guides. The summer cultural events involve hundreds of participants, while thousands of people visit Suasa, including actively participating school groups. The project's webpage and social media channels are highly effective. Suasa is featured in publications and presentations on Adriatic archaeology.

Each summer, the project is highlighted on local television and social media platforms, attracting thousands of views. In FAI's 2017 census of "Places of the Heart," Suasa was recognized as the top archaeological site and was presented at the central headquarters in Milan. This participation in the RAI documentary has been widely successful, with hundreds of views on RaiPlay. Every year, visitor numbers to the site exceed two thousand, while the website is accessed from 116 countries.


Adriatic Archaeology; Roman Mosaics and Paintings; Public Archaeology; Training