Moving goods for charity across the mediterranean (15th - 19th centuries). Training School

PIMo Training school

  • Data: dal 13 giugno 2022 alle 09:30 al 16 giugno 2022 alle 17:00

  • Luogo: Fondazione del Monte, via delle Donzelle 2 Bologna - DiSCi Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2 Bologna


13 June

G. Finocchiaro, G. Tarantino, R. d'Amora, N. Terpstra, M. Carboni

14 June
M.G. Muzzarelli, P. Delcorno, T. Herzig

15 June
R. Deguilhem, T. Artan

16 June
Discussion of the trainees’ projects
Visit and meeting at the Cucine popolari
Lunch together at the Cucine popolari
Discussion of the trainees’ projects
Final roundtable (all involved; led by the Training School’s conveners)


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